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Is that Bundle of Office 365 Really Worth the Cost

With nearly 80 million domain names under management and roughly 20 million global customers, GoDaddy is one of the world’s largest domain registrars and web hosts. In 2014, Microsoft partnered with the provider to begin offering Office 365 as one of its bundled services. At first glance, these types of strategic partnerships seem to be [...]

2019-10-02T11:23:02-04:00October 2nd, 2019|Blog|

Winning the cloud wars with Microsoft Partners, Office 365 and Azure

Azure made the news in a big way this past week when telecom giant AT&T announced it was switching to a “public cloud first” operation, moving most of its non-network workloads to Microsoft’s cloud, with employees using Office 365. The $2 billion deal will also see the two companies work together on developing tools for [...]

2019-09-12T09:16:59-04:00September 17th, 2019|Blog|