Real Estate / Mortgage

Whether it’s a local real estate agency or a national one, VirtuWorks offers scalable and agile IT solutions, from streamlining your property research, to managing client data, or accessing industry CRM software, our cloud-based IT services can help. Our Virtual Office provides fast deployment of all the necessary tools and technology that employees need to minimize disruption.

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    On-board New Agents

    VirtuWorks’ cloud-based employee management system simplifies the acquisition of new staff, whether they’re receptionists, listing agents, brokers, realtors, or rental agents. Easy-to-use profiles aid with organization and speed-up the onboarding process with pre-configured email, cloud storage, and enterprise or custom software.

    Reduce IT Management

    Managing IT assets can be expensive and time-consuming. We’re available 24/7, with locally based IT services ready to lift the burden at a moment’s notice. For you, that means spending less time getting tech to work and more time following leads.

    Mobile Customer and Lead Management

    Real estate is, by its nature, a mobile industry. Agents can rarely rely on the comfort of an office to get work done, instead having to find time wherever they can. VirtuWorks enables instant, secure access to documents, as well as software like Follow Up Boss, PropSpace, Dotloop, or more custom solutions.

    Eliminate Lost Data

    Regardless of whether its due to a system error or misplaced paperwork, lost leads or marketing material can affect the bottom line. VirtuWorks gives you access to regular and redundant backups of every document you upload, guaranteeing their security.

    Guarantee Regulatory Compliance

    Due to recent legislation, regulatory data compliance is more complex and important than ever. Given the sensitive information collected by real estate agencies, such as social security numbers, credit scores, and driver’s licenses, this can be even more of a headache. VirtuWorks ensures its cloud services always comply with federal data protection requirements and ensure the safety of your customers’ data through layered and time-tested security protocols.

    Boost your Agency’s Productivity

    It’s no coincidence that many of the top real estate performers are already using some form of cloud computing. VirtuWorks’ services can get you up to speed, whether you’re conducting online meetings, sending emails, managing customer relations, or sharing documents. You can gain the convenience of accessing the tools needed from any location, at any time, with no time wasted reporting back to the premises.

    As adoption grows, the amount of data available to real estate companies is also growing. There’s room for innovation when it comes to tracking and analysis, giving managers data-driven insights about where time is best placed.

    Cloud Services