Enterprise phone systems often come with a heavy price tag, but that doesn’t have to be the case with VirtuWorks and our cloud-based PBX system. The cloud PBX market is not new or niche, in fact, it’s expected to reach a worth of $9.6 billion in 2025. This growth is related to businesses realizing the attractive value proposition it represents.

The features an Enterprise PBX system provides offer prestige to small and medium-sized businesses. An organized, efficient, and professional phone system is no longer out of the financial reach of these smaller players. You can now compete with the giants of industry, without breaking the budget.

However, the choice to make the switch to a cloud-based PBX can be a daunting one. VirtuWorks can help! Let’s break down the key decision-making factors: cost, productivity, and flexibility.


Rather than the eye-watering initial cost of a traditional telephone system, businesses today can pay as little as $20 per extension/month for a cloud-based PBX system. With ongoing maintenance costs eliminated, they save money over time, too. The result for a company of 5,000, according to Forrester, may be savings of $1.8 million over three years.

As well as cutting ongoing legacy phone system costs such as audio conferencing and long-distance calling, cloud PBX delivers vital predictability. Organizations have a clear monthly price tag that allows them to allocate their cost savings to the areas of the business that most need the investment. Aligning yourself with the right provider can realize additional benefits. While some providers may charge early termination fees, or require long-term contracts, you’ll find none of those with VirtuWorks. The billing benefits alone may be enough of a reason to make the switch.

Image of poly phone, emphasizing the benefits of switching to cloud PBX, including reduced legacy phone system costs and increased predictability in monthly expenses. With VirtuWorks, organizations can enjoy clear pricing without early termination fees or long-term contracts, allowing them to allocate cost savings to critical areas of business investment.


A cloud-based PBX isn’t just about cost, though. It’s making your employee’s lives easier. VirtuWorks’ Cloud-based PBX offering delivers the following productivity features and more:

  • Call queues
  • Extensions
  • DID
  • IVRs
  • Hunt lists
  • Caller ID blacklisting
  • Voicemail
  • Call history
  • Real-time statistics
  • Conditions

These features are primarily about cutting out repetitive tasks while providing employees the tools to connect with one another more seamlessly. IVRs, for example, eliminate the need for employees to bounce callers around different departments, leaving an automated voice attendant system to handle call routing. Searchable, exportable call history makes it far faster for employees to find who they’re looking for, while queues provide a less frustrating experience for both external callers, and the staff answering them.

By leveraging these productivity enhancements, particularly when they’re properly integrated with existing systems, organizations can save their employees hours each week, freeing them to better focus on sales, decision-making, and more.

From the client and customer perspective, though, these improvements can have an even more drastic impact. 52% of customers say they have made an additional purchase after a good customer service experience, making it vital that your business’s telephone systems are up to modern standards.


The benefits of a hosted PBX are there for any business, but for agile and mobile workplaces like law firms, property management, and real estate, they can have an even bigger impact. Hosted PBX systems let employees retain the same phone number on any connected device. Whether they’re in the office, on the move, or at home, they always have access. Simply configure an extension on a SIP-capable hardware phone or soft-phone app, and you’re good to go. Compared to a traditional telephone, numbers can additionally be ported quickly and easily, eliminating days of waiting. And because it’s a cloud-based solution, the entire system is location-independent. If working from your office space becomes an issue due to power or internet outages, disaster, or simply during a move, calls can still be routed to cell phones, voicemail, or functioning extensions at other locations.

Extensions extend this flexibility, allowing organizations to worry less about their telephony needs in the future. They can set up an unlimited number of extensions and remove or add them through an easily accessible dashboard. Full visibility over what you’re paying for and the ability to adjust that at any time allows businesses to remain agile as environments and situations change.

Image highlighting the enhanced benefits of hosted PBX systems for agile and mobile workplaces like law firms, property management, and real estate. Employees can maintain the same phone number across devices, ensuring constant access whether in the office, on the move, or at home. Porting numbers is quick and seamless, and the cloud-based nature of the system ensures location-independent operation, even during outages or relocations.

Good Integration is Key

The experts agree on these benefits, but they also agree that a good cloud-based PBX deployment is vital to get the most out of them. A poorly implemented solution can have the opposite effect than what is intended, creating a cumbersome and unproductive experience.

That’s why at VirtuWorks, we work with you to implement your telephone system in a way that suits your needs. With over 25 years of experience and dozens of highly skilled engineers, security experts, and IT consultants, we’re here to ensure your system runs smoothly and profitably. Get in touch to see how we can help your communications achieve a big business image without the big price tag.