When it's time to upgrade your hardware, there are so many decisions to make, but losing track of your old hardware puts you at risk for being non-compliant with privacy laws. Trying to choose which devices to upgrade, which ones to replace, and continue to use can be a heavy load. Once you've made those decisions, it's time to do something with your old tech, specifically their hard drives and storage media.
It's tempting to toss them in the trash or erase them first, but do you know how this sensitive information will be disposed of? A restored hard drive can provide potential hackers with all types of business information. If your files contain sensitive customer information, like medical records, credit card numbers, or social security numbers, you could be in serious violation of privacy laws.
So How Do You Maintain Security and Stay Compliant
According to the FTC, you are legally required to conduct due diligence in destroying employee and consumer personal data. You also want to protect your sensitive business information in the same manner. In some instances, the FTC recommends hiring a third party that specializes in such destruction. Classify your hard drives in the same way you do paperwork with private data on it. Take the same or even additional methods to destroy your drives.
How VirtuWorks Can Help Destroy Your Drives
The single best way to ensure that your hard drives are never compromised is by thoroughly destroying them. Your drives' absolute destruction means that someone can never rebuild and use the information against you. It also means you meet the criteria involved in the destruction of materials related to privacy laws.
To meet this need for our customers, VirtuWorks now offers device destruction services. Using specialized, in-house equipment, we are now able to provide the ultimate in security for decommissioned devices. Your old hard drives, cell phones, thumb drives, and all the critical information they contain are bent, broken, and mangled beyond recovery. Our device destruction hardware can accommodate devices in a variety of sizes and types. Bring your business into compliance with privacy laws, including DOD Emergency Guidelines, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and HIPPA. Once the device is destroyed, we provide you with a document certifying the destruction.
Gain the same confidence in the secure and complete destruction of your old devices as you have with the rest of your VirtuWorks-managed IT. Call us today to find out how.